Frequently Asked Questions
If any of your questions are not answered here, please don't hesitate to contact us directly on either clinic phone number.
Do I need a referral?
No, a referral is not necessary in most cases. A referral is required for Workers compensation, Department of Veteran’s Affairs (DVA) and Medicare (Enhanced Primary Care plan).
Is Podiatry covered under Medicare?
People being managed for a Chronic Disease or health condition may be eligible for a Chronic Disease Management plan which may allow them to receive a referral to a Podiatrist for up to 5 visits per year. Please speak to your GP to discuss your eligibility.
Does private health insurance cover podiatry?
Yes, private health insurance does cover podiatry. Levels of cover vary from each health fund. We accept all private health funds.
Can I claim a private health rebate at the time of consultation?
Yes, we have HICAPS/EFTPOS facilities available and medicare direct claims for eligible clients on the day.